Call The Law Office Of Andy Miri 323-725-8263Hablamos Español
Without your Freedom or Driving Privilege, Life gets difficult!


Arresting a DUI Suspect

Have you been arrested for a DUI in or around Orange County, or anywhere in California? The best thing that you can do is to make certain that your rights are protected and that you get treated fairly by hiring a qualified DUI attorney with experience handling DUI cases.


Fingerprinting a DUI Suspect

If you have recently been charged in California Driving Under the Influence (DUI), you are most likely feeling scared and confused right now. Being arrested, being physically escorted to jail, fingerprinted, and photographed is a frightening and disturbing process. And if – like an ordinary citizen being arrested for the first time – you feel like you were treated unfairly, you’re probably also pretty angry.

Unfortunately, driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious charge that can have extreme consequences in other parts of your life.
You could potentially:

  • Go to jail
  • Forfeit your Driver’s License
  • No Driver’s License – Many Jobs Gone!
  • Be charged excessive fines
  • Pay skyrocketing auto insurance fees
  • Miss out on future job opportunities
  • Visa Issues – Traveling Limited

In order to protect yourself from the current and future consequences of an California DUI arrest you need to act quickly. You need an experienced Orange County DUI lawyer who can help you figure out your next steps and guide you through them.

Orange County County Drunk Driving Defense Attorney

If you are considering “pleading out” by yourself to save a few bucks, you might be surprised to learn that this can be even more expensive. Going it alone can land you in even more trouble than you’re already in—yet unfortunately, many people new to the criminal justice system routinely make this critical mistake. The good news is you don’t have to be one of them.

Don’t risk your Freedom & Future by pleading “no contest” or Guilty

Partner with an affordable, experienced, and local Orange County DUI Attorney today! Why local? A qualified DUI attorney in the Orange County area is going to know which judges to stay away from, and where your best bet is to work out a deal if you can.

OUR immediate Goal? Save your Driver’s License and stay out from behind bars.

Andy Miri, Orange County DUI Lawyer

I am California DUI Attorney Andy Miri. I routinely help DUI defendants protect their rights and ensure fair treatment in the court and penal system. The legal system is tricky, but with the right guidance, you’ll begin to understand the full implications of your situation and identify the steps you’ll need to take to end up with the best possible outcome.

Did you know there are dozens of ways to challenge the charges you’re currently facing? When you consult with me, I’ll personally walk you through some of these. If one or more apply, we can help you formally raise the challenges so your case is as strong as possible. I know how the prosecution pursues an California DUI charge, and I know how to best defend you.

Plenty of lawyers just fill out forms and talk to the local Prosecuting Attorney. That’s all they do! But in many cases, your best option is to fight the charges against you. If the facts of your case present opportunities, we should look carefully at a defense. Many times people were arrested when they shouldn’t have been —and that’s where a competent attorney can really help. Even if the case against you is solid and you feel as if you have no defense, there’s a lot we can do to minimize the harsh punishments that the State can and will attempt to bring against you.

My goal is straight-forward: to keep your record clear. I will work hard to absolve you of all charges, prevent you from losing your license, and keep you from serving time behind bars.

Charged with Drunk Driving in California

No lawyer can guarantee that they’ll be successful defending a client as each case is unique and depends on many variables. For example… Is the judge assigned to your case harsh or lenient on drunk driving offenses? Does the Prosecuting Attorney plan on going after you with both barrels – to make yet another DUI example? Frankly, there is just no way of predicting the obstacles you might be up against. Regardless of your situation, however, my law firm can help. When you work with my law office, you will get a highly skilled Orange County area DUI Lawyer who is fiercely passionate about protecting your rights and minimizing the fallout from these serious charges.

At the very least, we’ll do everything we can to make sure you’re treated fairly as you weave your way through this very serious criminal legal process.

Prosecuting Attorneys know all the legal nuances that strengthen their DUI cases.We want you to get the legal expertise you need. According to the law, the Prosecuting Attorney only needs to prove that, after drinking alcohol, you were not able to safely drive your vehicle, or that your blood alcohol level exceeded a certain legal limit. On the surface, that sounds pretty cut and dry—and probably even a little scary to you as you contemplate going this process alone

Fortunately prosecuting YOU is not quite that simple.

You see, if challenged, the State’s Prosecuting Attorney will also have to prove several other key things:

  • That the arresting officer followed the letter of the law and arrested you properly
  • That you were lawfully advised of your rights
  • That the equipment used to test your blood alcohol level was in working order
  • That the person who checked your blood alcohol level was certified to perform the test

If the Prosecuting Attorney has any information that could potentially prove your innocence, they are legally bound to give it to you. An experienced Orange County DUI attorney knows this and can get the Prosecuting Attorney to comply. That’s where my office can help.

A Competent California DUI / DWI Lawyer Is Critical

Knowing the DUI System - Andi Miri will File Appropriate Motions...

Knowing the DUI System - Filing Appropriate Motions...

I know how to make the motions your case requires—motions that will force the Prosecuting Attorney to prove that every step of your arrest precisely followed the law.

When you retain the services of California DUI Attorney Andy Miri to handle your DUI case, you will get my expert legal help from an experienced DUI Attorney who has guided many defendants through the complexities of the California State legal system. To ensure you’re treated fairly, we’ll search for as much information as possible to strengthen your case:

  • Names, addresses, and recorded statements for everyone the Prosecuting Attorney plans to call as a witness
  • Any information the Prosecuting Attorney has in his/her possession that shows that you are potentially innocent or that could lighten your sentence
  • Records demonstrating the blood alcohol equipment used to test you was working 100% properly at the time
  • Solid proof that you were appropriately advised of your rights

We will also talk to the Prosecuting Attorney before your case goes to court to request the proof that will be presented and let the Prosecuting Attorney know which parts of the case we might plan to contest. Why would we do that? Wouldn’t that be showing our hand? Actually, in most criminal cases there is actually a good reason for this. When a case is challenged, the Prosecuting Attorney is forced to invest extra time (which they rarely have, since they juggle many cases at once) and decide that the extra time will work in the budget they are allowed (most offices are under tremendous pressure to settle cases that might add additional expenses to an already over-burdened budget). It costs theses prosecutors a great deal of money to produce stronger evidence and dig up more witnesses.

Free DUI consultation—A $300 Value

After being arrested for a DUI, most people aren’t sure what to do next. Should you contest it? Will you win? And what happens if you don’t? These are the types of questions you’ll get answered if you contact me, Orange County DUI Andy Miri for a no-cost, no-obligation consultation.

You’ll learn everything you need to know during a half hour long in-office or telephone conference. I’ll give you an analysis of the facts, share my professional opinion, and discuss potential approaches. I’ll also lay out all the options available to you and give you an understanding of how the judicial process works.

Plus, I’ll give you a step-by-step lay-of-the land explanation of how your DUI case will progress through the criminal justice and court system. You’ll learn the difference between:

  • Motor Vehicle Hearings
  • Arraignments
  • Pre trial Conferences
  • Suppression Hearings
  • Trials
  • Sentencing

You’ll also discover how evidence against you might be invalid. If we can personally meet, we’ll review the official complaint and determine whether roadside tests or police testimony can be thrown out.

Confidential No-Cost California DUI Defense Meeting

If you are the least bit hesitant about confiding in me, you can relax. Everything you tell me — during the your no cost session or any other time — is completely confidential. And this holds true even if you choose not to retain me.

I strongly urge you to take advantage of my free consultation. There’s absolutely no obligation. You’ll never owe any money until you decide —in writing— to proceed.

Let attorney Andy Miri protect your rights. If you decide to retain me, Andy Miri, as your attorney after your free consultation, I will clearly explain my fees and payment plans. All fees are laid out in plain English and are easy to understand, so you’ll never be blindsided by surprise charges.  Moreover, I can custom tailor a flexible payment plans to meet most every budget.

In summary, here are the benefits you’ll get by contacting an Experienced DUI Attorney:

ONE – A free initial phone conversation and/or in office consultation: Start putting the pieces of your life back together with a free, no obligation consultation with an experienced DUI attorney.

TWO – Personal attention: Get phone calls returned promptly, stay informed, and get authoritative answers to all of your questions.

THREE – Reasonable and guaranteed fees: No surprises here! You’ll know in advance exactly how much retaining a DUI Attorney will cost. And you don’t pay a dime until you’ve agreed —in writing— to work with us.

Time is Critical for a DUI Case – Call Now

To talk directly to DUI Attorney Andy Miri.  Call me personally now at 323-SALVAME (725-8263) to schedule your free consultation.

Remember, there’s absolutely no risk on your part. You’ll get all of your questions answered, and learn about the DUI process and the California judicial system. If you’re still not convinced that we are the right firm to fight for your exoneration, simply walk away with no obligation.

Whatever you do, it’s essential that you take action fast. When you were arrested, your driving privileges were likely suspended. So it’s important to know that you only have ten days —from the time of arrest—to make a formal response to your revoked privileges. Waiting too long can cost you! Call me today and I’ll tell you exactly how to handle the issue.

The charges against you are serious and have lifelong implications. Make sure you put your case in capable hands.

Call me today, and I’ll fight to help get your life back on track.

Andy Miri, Esq.

Law Offices of Andy Miri

“Dedicated to your needs
Focused on your success”

CALL ANDY MIRI TODAY: 323-725-8263Hablamos Español

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